Saturday, March 20, 2010

love problem again?! n weak problem?!

someone had asked me to quit the st john competition cause there's too many problem within us.
She's right. I'd think about this before but something in my mind, in my brain ask me not to quit it.
Really headache about this problem and i'd decided to call my teammate and our school st john ambulance chairman.
What I fear now is their reaction especially tong seng's.
What should I do now?
Someone please help me to figure out the answer.

Very curious, why? whenever I feel I need to give up him but he give me hopes again.
Why this feeling keep overcome me? I just can't stop this feeling. I'm too tiny, weak, but I do admit it, I love him.

p/s: words for myself: let's make your decision as soon as possible! no more furious!!!


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