Wednesday, November 26, 2008

About yesterday activities in WOW......

yesterday, I went for a activity organize by WOW.
Not bad, that's fun but my friend didn't joined us because my headmaster had organizer a trip to KL for 1 day.(for those get 7a in their UPSR)so she will go to this activities that she had paid today.(I did informs her about this in phone.)
I get 6a, I leave 1a in this test.(so sad, but never mind cause I still got my PMR and SPM in form3 and form5.)
well, I'll add oil.

The WOW activity got so many handsome guy that were totally had a tall height a nice look from Singapore and they really smart! Alright, stop being a crazy girl and now be serious!
The activities started at 2pm. 1st, we had gathered to discuss about our team name. Finally, the name was Robin Hood. We had activities with the team named, Alex the lion.

the first game we played was in 'Laughter Box', we guess things and word and...
the second game was 'Captain Clueless' that must close your eyes with some cloth and listen to the instruction from your friend to reached the place we chose in card.
the third section wasn't going to play a game, but we did learn to draw some animate in boy or girl(choose 1 of the both)I chose boy, know why? cause I'm a girl!(duh, that's just because i really wanted to learn how to draw a boy animate.)
the fourth we guess about the act by our friends and had marks.
About the last 1, we find items i n a book(something like the picture or blah blah blah......)

After that, we count our earn points and the MC had a Q&A sections to help us earn bonus points. We did enjoyed all the activities and my team get the 2nd place.
yeah!!!(and this program ended at 4.30pm sharp!then, we go home lo...)

That's all for my yesterday cause after those activities, I must went for my tuition!(so boring to this life of mine!)


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